Midwife on the Orient Express

Book Review: Midwife on the Orient Express: A Christmas Miracle by Fiona McArthur

I needed a mystery or thriller set during Christmas for a challenge so I picked up this book. And… It’s not a thriller or mystery. I’m not sure where I even got that idea, apart from the Agatha Christie inspired title.

So, the book is purely a romance. No thrills or mystery. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Kelsie takes her dream holiday – a trip on the Orient Express from Venice to London. Upon boarding, she discovers her first love and ex-fiance, Lucas, is also on the train, travelling with his grandmother. The story explains how Lucas and Kelsie got together when they were younger as well as why they parted ways.

Obviously, as these things go, Lucas and Kelsie are still quite attracted to each other and this is the classic second chance romance.

The midwife part of the title refers to Kelsie’s profession. Coincidentally (or conveniently) Lucas is an obstetrician and one of their fellow passengers is pregnant.

The book is, obviously, set during Christmas but the Orient Express trip is probably more of the focus. McArthur gives us many details of the opulence of the carriages and the food and drink served etc. I would have maybe liked a little more about the towns they passed along the way though.

Goodreads is telling me the book was only 177 pages. I’m surprised. It felt much longer and the characters were pretty well developed for something so short. Recommend for a nice piece of Christmas romance 3 ½ out of 5