Mistletoe Kisses

mistletoe kisses

Book Review: Mistletoe Kisses by Marnie Blue

It’s that time of the year again — time to read Christmas themed books.  I continue to have a love/hate relationship with holiday season themed books. I’m usually disappointed but I’m still sucked into reading them despite that fact.

I often notice writers often try to cash in and Christmas (or whatever holiday they’re using) is sometimes irrelevant to the plot or only briefly mentioned in passing.   I’ll give Blue points for not being guilty of this, at least. Mistletoe Kisses was a true Christmas story.

Unfortunately I’m not handing out many points for anything else.  I’m afraid I found the book’s plot and characters a little boring and its conflict really forced.

The hero, Justin, is a policeman who is forced to pose as Santa for PR for the force.  His helper elf turns out to be Lilly, a friend of his and his family’s who left town just after his father died.  This is the conflict. He’s mad at her for leaving town even though she was a minor and had to go where her parents took her.  WTF, Justin?

There is also a bit of a subplot about Justin’s PTSD but it was also a little forced.  I kept expecting Lilly to be his great saviour in this regard but the storyline just plodded along instead really.

Lilly needs to keep associating with Justin so she can get a job as a reporter and the mistletoe kiss she and Justin share that initially gets the public involved and interested in their story was a good idea on Blue’s part.  Only Lilly and Justin’s supposed super chemistry when it came to kissing wasn’t there in my opinion.

I really found myself skimming to the end.  The book was harmless but ultimately unsatisfying.

2 out of 5