The Moving Finger

Book Review: The Moving Finger by Agatha Christie (Miss Marple #4)

I haven’t read a Christie for many years, so I decided I’d rectify that situation this year. And this, the first one I picked up, was a real winner.

Although this is labelled as a Miss Marple book, she really only features for a few chapters – basically a cameo – so it can definitely be read as a standalone. Instead, the main character and first person narrator is Jerry, a pilot who moves to a small English village along with his sister, Joanna, to convalesce following an accident. Upon their arrival they receive a poison pen letter and soon learn that most of the village have also received such missives. Then, of course, things escalate and Jerry is soon attempting to solve a couple of mysterious deaths.

As these things go, there’s a plethora of suspects amongst the village’s inhabitants. I had my suspicions about who-did-what and, I will admit, I was pretty much completely wrong on all counts!

Apart from the mystery plot, there’s quite a bit of a romantic subplot for both Jerry and Joanna and I loved that inclusion. (The only thing better than a mystery novel is a romantic mystery novel!)

4 1/2 out of 5